DSP 866 No-Clean, Lead Free Solder Paste with 0% ppm total Halogens

Most competitor solder pastes that claim to be halogen free and halogen 0 have slight amounts of Halogens in their formulations as permissible by the IEC as acceptable limits. Qualitek halogen 0 products contain 0% total ppm Halogens making this product truly unique and of benefit to most seeking complete elimination.

866 is a lead free no clean formulation available in a variety of popular lead free alloys. Flux Classification of ROL0 per JSTD-004. DSP 866 exhibits excellent printing characteristics and will perform during continuous printing for up to 8hrs. Field tests have shown that an abandon time of at least 1 hr. is possible, resulting in a perfect 1 st pass print on resumption. Excellent print definition characterized by brick-like prints. Good release is seen on 12-9 mil apertures with print speeds in the range of 1.0-6.0 inch per second (25mm-150mm). DSP 866 is a no clean formulation with non-conductive, non-corrosive and highly insulated residues that are safe to leave on the board. Fluxing activity levels promote thermal stability and prevent thermal degradation when reflowing under air atmosphere (normal). Nitrogen is not required reducing operational costs. Solder joints after reflow are left shiny and bright.

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